Thursday, December 14, 2017


The issue of bullying was tackled in this presentation, with the given solution being the app PositiveCyb. The app offered several features in the name of tackling bullying. Though the app has good intentions and a solid issue that it seeks to address, the way that the app collects and records data is much too invasive in my mind. As the presenters said, the app would monitor and run through all forms of social media and other apps that the user could be harassed through, which is a bit alarming that it would have such a power. But the truly disturbing aspect of the app was that it would turn on and record a video when it detected any inappropriate or angry language that could be labeled as "bullying", and then send it to the authorities or any other people that the user selects it to be sent to. Now, bullying is a serious issue and impacts a lot of people at some point during their lifetime, however when it comes to just verbal abuse and bullying, there is also the matter of free speech that can be argued for here. If a bully says something aggressive, but does not necessarily constitute as a threat or an offensive in the eyes of the authorities, then nothing will be accomplished and could possibly provoke the aggressor even more. Another thing about this is that the app is supposed to be able to pick up on the differences between truly aggressive language and playfully aggressive banter. This also caught my attention, because not every bully takes the same approach, some may address their victims with a more calm tone or some other form of speaking that the app does not recognize as a threat, or could record and register a playful dialogue as hostile and get the wrong person in trouble for it. In my opinion, the best feature of the app was the option to join a support group or groups. This would be very beneficial to victims of bullying. To have a support system right there at their fingertips whenever they needed it is a very thoughtful and fantastic idea. In conclusion, the app could cause controversy in its intrusiveness and encroachment on people's right to free speech, but it is a great start to finding an effective solution to the issue of bullying.

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