Sunday, November 26, 2017

Is it justice or punishment?

     When watching "White Bear" we see a woman who was put through a simulation. When the actor, Jem, met the main character, Victoria, she explained that certain people were affected by the transmitter and the ones that were not affected became the "hunters and hunted". As they traveled through different sceneries and situations, Victoria wondered why no one would put their phone down to help them, she was so disgusted that she yanked a phone out of a visitor's hand. When they finally arrived at the White Bear Transmitter she began to feel uneasy and this was where it was revealed to her that this was actually a punishment for her. Victoria looks shocked when she found out what she supposedly did, then paraded around so people could video her. She was taken back to the apartment and given electric shocks to her brain that made her forget so the cycle could start over again, day after day.


      The simulation was supposed to be a punishment for the women and make her feel remorseful for just standing and videoing the death of helpless Jemima but was the park used for the pure enjoyment of the visitors of White Bear Park? Victoria seemed to not have any recollection of this horrid crime until she was told what happened, so is this actually a punishment? Her memory had been wiped, so are we punishing the same person?

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