Friday, November 24, 2017

White Bear

The episode "White Bear" is about the punishment of a woman, Victoria, who watched and recorded as her significant other tortures and kills a little girl, Jemima. The punishment the officials deemed necessary was that she should be trapped in "White Bear Justice Park" and have people chasing her and trying to kill her and then spectators recording everything that's going on. At the end of everything, everybody resets it and wipes her memory and she relives it.

I don't think Victoria should have gotten punished the way she did, if she should have gotten punished at all. Let's take a moment and think about how wasteful their "punishment" is. They built a whole park dedicated to one woman's crime. There must not be much crime or anything for the officials to past that. 

A little while after Victoria wakes up, she finds a picture of her and her significant in a picture frame and then a picture of the little girl. The placement of the picture of Jemima makes Victoria think she's Jemima's mom, but she doesn't know. Once she gets out of the house, she sees people filming her and she's asking them questions, but nobody is answering her. Throughout the whole episode she asks questions, but nobody answers her and if they do they are not straight answers. That's torture, but I guess it's like what the girl's parents went through. They would probably ask detectives and the police force questions, and they wouldn't get a straight answer.

This should never happen to anyone by any means. Who knows how long they’ve been doing this to her. We only see the calendar for October. The fact that she has been going through this repeatedly and people are paying to see this, and people are getting paid to do this is just despicable.

It’s not like she forgets everything, they still leave pieces in her mind. I don’t know if they are manufactured memories or real memories. If they are real, what if she builds up enough memory to know what is going on and to know how to beat it or what if realizes what is going on and kills herself somehow? What are they going to then, do they just destroy the whole White Bear Justice Park, or do they find a new criminal? Or what if one day she wakes up and she takes those pills and doesn’t even makes it out of the house? How do they know she is going to do the same thing every day? 

1 comment:

  1. Is the woman who wakes up in the park each day the same person who committed those crimes?


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