The series, Black Mirror, has an episode titled, "Be Right Back." In the episode, a woman's, Martha, significant other, Ash, goes out and never comes back because he dies. At the funeral, one of Martha's acquaintances tells her about this program that allows you to communicate with a lost loved one. She uses it only to tell Ash that she is pregnant, but it ends up going as far as her creating a version of Ash that you can touch, feel, and talk to, but he's not a human because he's a robot.
The way Martha was able to talk to "Ash" was through email or text, then it moved up to a phone call, then she was able to allow it to see what she saw, then she received a robot. How the robot got to be Ash was first the company that provides the service gains access to all of Ash's social media and they developed a system, so the robot could talk like Ash. Every level of communication means the more information Martha had to send to Robot Ash so it could act as much like real Ash as possible.
No matter how much information she gave it, she couldn't give it Ash's brain and conscious so there would still be some things it would do that Ash would not do. Like when she told Robot Ash to get out and it did, Real Ash would not just get out and do what she says Real Ash would stand up for himself. Even once it left, Robot Ash couldn't go a certain number of meters away from the activation site without his administrator.
The whole idea of having a robot is dangerous. You don’t know what the robot is capable of. In the episode, Robot Ash could switch everything on and off--everything and not feel anything. He doesn’t feel any emotions. I guess that isn’t weird because he is a robot and not a human, but I guess there isn’t anything wrong with it, so it can remind you that it is not the person you are trying to make it be. However, there could be a glitch or a "glitch" in the system and it could turn on you at any moment; because it's not a human and it doesn't have a heart and it doesn't feel emotions it wouldn't feel any remorse about it.
Having a robot is indeed dangerous, but aren't 'normal' human relationships dangerous? Do we know what other humans are going to do, or what emotions they are experiencing?