In this episode of Black Mirror, "White Bear" , a woman is seen waking up and seeming very confused on who she is and where she is. She begins to explore and as she is exploring people are seen videotaping her. She is still confused and eventually finds some "alliances", who"help" her find hiding places. Then eventually they turn on her and she finds out who she is and what she has done, which is kidnapping and videotaping a murder of little girl. She continues to replay this over and over again each day.
All of this takes place in White Bear Justice Park. The question I ponder on is " Is it really Justice?". I feel as if there is no justice being shown or given because she really doesn't have enough time to think about what she did and comprehend what the purpose of this stuff was. Also, from my christian view the people inflicting this torture on this woman are wrong and are on the same level of sinful as she is . They have no lawful right to do this to here.
What would be a just punishment for the woman?